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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

In Castle Gardens we have a responsibility for the Pastoral Care, general welfare and safety of the children. We will carry out this duty by providing a caring, supportive and safe environment, where each child is valued for his or her unique talents and abilities, and in which all our young people can learn and develop to their full potential.

Members of staff are not only concerned with academic progress but also with the personal and social development of the pupils. We aim to have a close relationship between school and home and assist in the pastoral care of all the children.

Emphasis is placed on positive reinforcement and praising good behaviour. Children are encouraged to be independent, kind and thoughtful towards others and responsible for their own behaviour.

Teachers explain classroom and school rules to the children in their own class. These are reinforced at school assemblies and on other occasions. All staff in the school are involved in maintaining the agreed standards of discipline within classrooms, the school buildings and grounds.

To celebrate, reward and enhance the high standards of good behaviour, attendance and effort demonstrated by our pupils, monthly award assemblies are held for the whole school. We also operate a House System for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes to encourage and acknowledge good behaviour.

Inappropriate behaviour is addressed by way of discussion with and self-reflection by the child. If necessary the teacher will refer the matter to the parents or Principal. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school in order to maintain acceptable standards of behaviour.


Building Together for the Future


Child Protection & Safeguarding

The safety and well-being of our pupils is paramount. A synopsis of our Child Protection Policy is displayed in school and is available on request.

The designated teacher is Mrs P Harbinson. The deputy designated teachers are Mrs N Alcorn and Mr J Gray.

Any issues will be dealt with sensitively and Education Authority guidelines will be followed. Staff are committed to building open and transparent links with home, school and outside agencies such as social services, education welfare and the school nurse.

The flow diagram below outlines the procedure for any parent who wishes to highlight a concern.


I have concern about my/a child’s safety


I can talk to the class teacher


If I am still concerned I can talk to the

Designated Teacher (Mrs P Harbinson) or the Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection

(Mrs N Alcorn & Mr J Gray)


If I am concerned I can write to the Chairman of the Board of Governors (Mr S Gibson)

Or to the Designated Governor (Mrs H Moore)