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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Our Policies

Since September 2016 the Board of Governors have been evaluating and updating all our school policies in light of changes to guidance from the Department of Education. A list of the policies that have been updated by the Governors can be found to the right of this page. 

Should you wish to have a copy of any of our policies or procedures, our school office will be happy to you with a copy. Please call: 028 9181 3827. Alternatively you can email Mr J Gray on .

Our policies are available to current and potential parents, interested parties and other schools who are working on any of the titles themselves.

We are always happy to help and share good practice.

Mr J Gray 


Updated List of Policies

Safeguarding Portfolio CURRICULUM

Child Protection

Pastoral Care

Positive Behaviour


SEN & Inclusion

Online Safety

Social Media

Intimate Care





Multi-Sensory Environment

Safe & Sustainable Travel Policy


 Health & Safety

Keeping & Disposal of Records Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Data Protection

Privacy Notice for Pupils, Parents, Familes, Carers and Legal Guardians