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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
This week's newsletter is now online. Click here to find out what's been happening 
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Primary 5

Welcome to P5!

Hi Everyone!

We are looking to forward to a great year ahead. We have lots of exciting things to learn, do and places to visit. We start the year by settling into P5, getting to know our teacher and learning new classroom routines. In Numeracy we will be learning our times tables, place value, counting to 9999 and telling the time. In Literacy we will be learning spellings, reading, writing and grammar. 

We are looking forward to all fun things we will be doing in the term. Be sure to call back and look in our gallery to see more pictures of us hard at work and play!

“We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.”

Mr. Gibson & Miss Lowry


