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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Primary 6

Welcome to Primary 6!

Our teachers are Mr Stewart and Mr Graham.

Remember to stay safe online. Visit the Think You Know internet safety website.

Why not try out some of these fun learning games.

Interactive Maths Games -

Help with Times Tables -

Time Games -

Shape Games -



AQE in P6 and P7

P6 is a very important year for pupils wishing to transfer to secondary schools in Northern Ireland.

Many of our pupils sit the AQE entrance tests which are required if they wish to transfer to a grammar school at the end of P7. We try to ensure the best learning experiences and continuity for our pupils by restructuring P6 and P7 classes at the start of each calendar year. 

Parents are consulted in November and December to determine their preference for transfer and classes are reorganised accordingly. AQE pupils and non-AQE pupils will access the same literacy, numeracy and ICT as well as cross-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Additional time for assessment for AQE pupils will be built into the weekly timetable to ensure when the assessment come around they are confident, well prepared and ready to do their best. 

To find out more about our arrangements for transfer from primary to secondary education please feel free to get in touch. 

Building Together for the Future


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