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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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After School Clubs - Block 1

7th Sep 2018

Clubs get underway next week with the exception of tennis which starts in a couple of weeks time as the coach is on holiday.

With the technical issues and lack of support we've had this week as well as time needed for myself and the office staff to learn the best way to use the system we've only been able to get P3/P4 cookery club completed online but notes for all other clubs have been sent home this week with the exception of gymnastics which goes home today.

For all remaining clubs there are 3 different ways to register and pay

  1. Externally register and pay:  gymnastics, jujitsu, lego, dodgeball, P2/P3 dodgeball
  2. Return notes to teacher, no payment: drama, rugby, scripture union, gardening
  3. Return notes to teacher, payment generated when pupil attends: hockey, games galore, tennis, cheerleading

Below you will see what club runs on what day and how you sign up.

A list of Block 2 clubs can be found on our website and registration will be arranged in January. 

School’s Out NI can offer a collection and drop off service from all our clubs. If this is something that you feel may be of use please contact Susie on 077109533959


Tennis - P4 to P7 pupils, 2pm to 3pm - return permission slips to school, payment charged when pupils attend.

Games Galore - P1 & P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm - return permission slips to school, payment charged when pupils attend.

Miniversity - P1 & P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm - email  Payment and registration external.

Miniversity - P3 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - email  Payment and registration external

Hockey - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, payment charged when pupils attend.

Drama - P5 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm -  return permission slips to school, no payment as teacher led.  



Football - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, payment charged when pupils attend.

P7 Revision* - P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - Enrolment completed

Cookery - P3 & P4 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - Enrolment completed via School Money



Dodgeball - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm -  Payment and registration external

Football - P2 & P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm - Payment and registration external

Choir - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, no payment as teacher led. 

Lego - P1 to P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm Payment and registration external

Lego - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm Payment and registration external



Gymnastics - P1 to P7, various times - Information due to come home today . Payment and registration external

Gardening - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, no payment as teacher led.

Scripture Union - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, no payment as teacher led.

Rugby - P5 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, no payment as teacher led.



Cheerleading - P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - return permission slips to school, payment charged when pupils attend.

Ju-jitsu - P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm - Contact Stephen Black on 07966964994 - Payment and registration external

Ju-jitsu - P3 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm - Contact Stephen Black on 07966964994 - Payment and registration external