Access Keys:

Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Afterschool Clubs Block 2

7th Jan 2019

Clubs will resume next week, w/c 14th January. There are several new clubs on offer this term.

  • Art for P1 and P2 pupils on Tuesdays replacing cookery
  • Dodgeball for P1 to P3 pupils on Wednesdays to replace football
  • Dance for P1 to P7 pupils on Thursdays to replace gymnastics
  • Ready for Anything for P1 to P7 pupils on Fridays.

The following is a full list of clubs that we offer this term. A letter was sent home on Monday 7th January with further information. Innformation about signing up as well a flyers and permission notes will be sent home throughout this week or can be accessed via links on our website.


Games Galore, P1 & P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Miniversity, P1 & P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Miniversity, P3 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Hockey, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Tennis, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm From Monday 21st   January

Drama, P5 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm


Art, P1 & P2 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Football, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm


Lego/Clay, P1 to P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Dodgeball, P1 to P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Dodgeball, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Choir, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Lego/Clay, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm


Dance, P1 to P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Dance, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Gardening, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm From Monday 11th   March

Scripture Union, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Rugby, P5 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm


Ready for Anything, P1 to P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Ready for Anything, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm

Ju-jitsu, P2, P3 pupils, 2pm to 3pm

Ju-jitsu, P4 to P7 pupils, 3pm to 4pm


Clubs will be running during the following weeks.

Please note that some clubs have slightly different arrangements and these will be communicated by the person in charge of the club. Tennis and Gardening for example both have later start dates.  

w/c 14th, 21st, 28th January

w/c 4th, 11th, 25th February

w/c 11th, 18th, 25th March

w/c 1st, 8th, 29th April

w/c 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th May


No clubs in the following weeks:

w/c 18th February – half-term week

w/c 4th March – parent interview week

w/c 15th, 22nd April – Easter holidays


No clubs on the following days:

Friday 15th February – Last day of term, 1pm finish

Friday 12th April – Last day of term, 12pm finish

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Friday 24th May – School Development Day

Monday 27th May – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 28th May – School Development Day