All Classes - Singing & Recording Project June 2020
We are launching a school singing and recording project for you to get involved in over the next week...
As the school year comes to a close, we are creating a virtual performance of the song ‘Count on Me’. The song is probably most suitable for P3 and up, but anyone who is able to sing all the words to the track is welcome to participate. We would particularly love to see as many of our P7s contributing before they leave. Some of our staff will be joining in too!
Instructions and rehearsing tracks are attached and also found directly by clicking on this link:!AorirwfL-tPxji74tWCs6J_K8zzS?e=EfWa4B
When you have finished recording, please add your video to the shared folder here:
Order or audio tracks below:
1. all parts
2. main part
3. low part
4. high harmony
**Please return videos back by Tuesday 23rd June!!
Count on Me lyrics and notes (17th Jun 2020) |
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Instructions for Count on Me (17th Jun 2020) |
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Castle Gardens Primary School, 69 Bowtown Rd, Newtownards BT23 8SH
Phone: 028 9181 3827