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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Cash for Clobber

2nd Feb 2020

The Cash for Clobber scheme is aimed at raising awareness of textile recycling among children and to show how essential it is for everyone in the ‘developed world’ to reduce, reuse and recycle. Most of the waste textiles produced in the UK and Ireland end up in landfill sites – large holes in the ground where all our rubbish is dumped. 

Every year, 1 million tonnes of clothes that could be reused are buried in these landfill sites. This is bad for the environment as we are running out of space to dispose of this rubbish and the landfills that already exist are giving off harmful gases which contribute to global warming. Currently 75% of the world’s population depend on second hand clothing

This is a free scheme and everyone can participate. All YOU have to do is gather up your unused clothes, shoes (pairs only), handbags, hats, scarves, bed linen and curtains. Duvet covers and pillow cases can also be re-used.

Bags are available from the office but a black bin bag will do. Drop it off at reception before Thursday 13th February.

This scheme will help generate funds (40p per kilo) for the school. Additionaly, the school that recycles the most clothes and textiles throughout the year will win £1500!!