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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Cash for Kids Schools Challenge During October

5th Oct 2023

During the month of October we are taking part in the Cool FM Cash for Kids Schools Challenge.

This annual fundraising event directs all funds raised back into the schools taking part in the challenge, meaning we receive 100% of what we raise.

Further to this, Cash for Kids will award additional funds to the three Schools that fundraise the most; 1st place will receive an additional £5,000, 2nd place will receive an additional £3,000 and 3rd place will receive an additional £2,000! There is also two bonus grants of £500 each for Best Use of Social Media and the Most Creative Fundraising. With only 18 schools in NI being selected to participate this year it is well worth focusing our efforts to see if we can avail of any of the additional awards.

Donations can be made through our usual channels as well as through this link that will allow Gift Aid to be included. 

There are a number of different events that we have organised through the month of October that our school community can support.

Fitness Freddy

All children will today receive a sponsorship sheet for a PE lesson next Wednesday, 11th October, with Fitness Freddy.

Sponsor forms and money should be sent into school on or before the following Wednesday, 18th October.

Cash for Clobber

We normally hold at least one Cash for Clobber collections every year, normally in Spring.

This year we will hold our collection on Thursday 19th November.

Items can be brought to the school reception from Tuesday 17th November.

In exchange for your old clothing, curtains, shoes, towels and fabrics our school will receive 40p per kg. Pillows and duvets cannot be accepted.

Fancy Dress Disco

The annual fancy dress disco will be held on Thursday 26th October.

P1 to P3 pupils disco will be from 6pm to 6.45pm

The disco for P4 to P7 pupils will be from 7pm to 8pm.

Tickets are £3 per child or £5 per family and can be purchased from School Money from Monday 23rd October.

Ditch the Dark Non-Uniform Day

On the last day of term, Friday 27th October, we will be having a non-uniform day.

The annual theme for this day is Ditch the Dark, encouraging the children to dress in bright clothes as we prepare for the darker winter days of Winter.

Donations of £2 per child, £5 per family or more can be made through School Money.

Other Challenges

There will be a selection of other smaller challenges running in school through the month, keep an eye out for more information about these.

Thank-you in advance for your support this month, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with Miss McCluskie or myself.

Mr Gray