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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Castle Gardens Goes Cashless from August

25th Jun 2018

When the children return to school after the summer there will be a change to how we collect payments for anything that currently requires payment. Any payment that is processed through the office including school dinners, trips, music tuition, pta events, fundraising events, clubs, breakfast club and anything else will use an online method of payment.


Currently our office staff and teaching staff spend an estimated 20 hours per week counting and banking all the coins and notes and cheques that get sent into School. 

Not only will this move allow time to be more efficiently used it will also allow a live record of your payments to be available to you meaning no more confusion over what dinners need paid for or how much is owed for music tuition. Cash can still be accepted if absolutely required but parents will need bring this to the office to complete a transaction and not send in with pupils. 


A letter will be sent out tomorrow along with the reports that will provide further information about the changes and I appreciate there will be a number of questions that we will endeavour to answer before they are asked. 


In advance can I thank you for your support as we transition. I’m sure this move will be a very popular one but it may take a bit of getting used to.