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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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E-Safety Update

28th Feb 2019

This week there has been a lot of activity on social media regarding the Momo challenge. Whilst this appears to be a meme that has gone viral and created a lot of hysteria it reminds us of the need to ensure our children know how to keep themselves safe online. 

This week it was the Momo challenge but every week I am presented with issues involving WhatsApp, Instagram, online gaming disputes, Facebook (more so with us oldies), and snapchat. Instead of reacting to the Momo challenge we prefer to ensure our pupils have ownership of their online safety and educate them about how to stay safe.

Today we reinforced the message about staying safe to our P4 to P7 pupils in an assembly led by Mr Gibson, our ICT coordinator. I followed that up with the P6 and P7 pupils with the presentation below. It contains a video created by CEOP that shows how important to have appropriate security settings on social media sites, minimising online contact details and thinking about what personal photos appear online.

If you have any concerns about your child's online safety please feel free to get in touch with Mr Gibson or Mr Gray.

Be Smart on the Internet presentation