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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Eat Them to Defeat Them Week 2

11th Mar 2022

This week peppers were served up to the children in Week 2 of Eat Them to Defeat Them.

The boys and girls tried out lots of different ways that peppers can be eaten including pepper & salsa dip, roasted pepper pasta savoury rice, roasted potatoes with cheese and peppers and paprika baked crisps.

You can see from the photos the wonderful selection on offer to the children and judging by the number of stickers on jumpers, there are a lot of new things being tried this week. Paw Patrol even visited to try out what was on offer.

Unfortunately chef is unwilling to share her closely guarded top secret recipes!

Next week broccoli is the challenge. Good luck with that one chef!

To find out more, click this link