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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance 2020-21

27th Jul 2020

The Education Authority (EA) has been continuing to process applications for Free School Meals / Uniform Grants / Physical Education Clothing allowances throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Current Eligible Families
Parents/guardians who are currently in receipt of support for the 2019/20 school year will receive a pre-populated application form from EA, which they are required to complete and return as soon as possible to help avoid any delays. Forms should have been received already.

New Applicants
This year we have also introduced a new online application form for new applicants. Parents/guardians will be required to complete the form and upload supporting documentation to verify they are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits. Both the paper based form and online form are accessible from the EA website – 

Applicants can also request an application form from the Meals and Uniform Section (contact details below).
Forms prior to 2020-21 cannot be used and should be discarded.

Parents/Guardians whose child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (Stage 5) and requires a special diet should contact the Meals and Uniform Section if they wish to apply under the special diet criteria.

Schools cannot give free school meals to any pupil until the Education Authority issues authorisation.

Further information including eligibility criteria for the 2020-21 school year can be accessed by logging onto 

Free School Meals / Uniform Grants Helpdesk
The EA Free Schools Meals and Uniform Grants Helpdesk is available, to assist any parents/guardians who may have any queries. The Helpdesk operates Monday – Friday, during office hours and can be contacted via email:

Further information and a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the EA website can be accessed by clicking here.