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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Holidays 2024-25

23rd Feb 2024

Governors approved the holiday list for the next school year at their meeting earlier this month. A hard copy of the attached will be sent home later this school year for your convenience.

There are a couple of changes that I would like to bring to your attention:

  • Two of our school development days have been rescheduled to Monday 7th October 2024 and Monday 30th June 2025. The day in October is an attempt to find time for staff to write PLPs (Personal Learning Plans) for pupils when there is a limited budget to pay for substitute teachers. The day in June has been scheduled as it is a day when attendance would likely be very low and it also gives families a chance to get away on holiday and avail of June prices.
  • To facilitate these changes, the Easter holidays in 2025 have been shortened by 2 days with the last day of term being the Wednesday before Good Friday.