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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Mathletics Mania and World Maths Day Results.

31st Mar 2023

We celebrated World Maths Day on 8th March this year by playing Live Mathletics with pupils from our school and other schools in the UK and all around the world. Finalised results took a little time coming through, but we finally were able to celebrate some of Castle Gardens’ successes at Assembly today.

To put the following results into context, here are some statistics. In the UK 112, 230 pupils competed from 2,427 schools. Worldwide there were 309,774 pupils competing from around 8,831 schools.

The individual results below are really amazing. Congratulations to these 5 pupils on outstanding successes:

  • P3 - Emily Fullerton - 141st out of all P3s in the UK. 942nd out of all P3s in the World.
  • P4 - Scarlett Campbell - 66th out of all P4s in the UK. 369th out of all P4s in the World.
  • P5 - Charlotte Patterson - 1088th out of all P5s in the UK. 4701st out of all P5s in the World.
  • P6 - AJ Allen - 1056th out of all P6s in the UK. 3509th out of all P6s in the World.
  • P7 - Calvin Kennedy - 54th out of all P7s in the UK. 229th out of all P7s in the World.

As a school we did really well too in each year group. Our best score was with our P7 year group where Castle Gardens came 63rd out of all schools in the UK and 299th out of all schools in the World.

Many thanks to all those pupils who participated and indeed to the folks at home for supporting them to take part in Mathletics for World Maths Day.


This week there has been a real buzz around school as lots of Mathletes have been hard at work, trying to spend as much time as possible on Mathletics, in the hope of winning the Mathletics Mania competition.

All our ipads and computers have been put to great use, every single minute of every single day, as classes competed against each other in the hope of winning.

This morning in Assembly the winners were announced. Many pupils put a lot of effort into this and two from each class were chosen for their effort and participation.

The top achievers in each year group were:

  • Alexander Hamilton P3,
  • Phoebe Keatings P4,
  • Charlotte Patterson P5,
  • Harry Storey P6
  • Victoria Farr P7.

However, the highlight of the results being announced was finding out who was the winning class in each year group. This ultimately depended on the total amount of time spent on Mathletics this week.

The average time per class was 44 hours between Monday and Thursday evening - more than the entire school spent on Mathletics last week!

The winners were: P3A, P4G, P5L, P6G and P7W.

Congratulations to everyone for taking part in our first Mathletics Mania. Hopefully it has encouraged the pupils to use Mathletics more often as an enjoyable way of improving their Numeracy and Mathematics.

Many thanks must go to all of those at home for encouraging the pupils to participate in this competition. We do appreciate your support.