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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Mathletics November Numeracy Challenge

20th Nov 2022

This week at Castle Gardens all P3 - P7 pupils will have the opportunity to participate in the Mathletics November Numeracy Challenge. This is a fun-filled and free online mathematics competition for all schools and so our pupils will be competing with pupils from schools around the world.

The challenge lasts from Monday 21st until Friday 25th November. Pupils can earn points for our school by playing Live Mathletics during the event. Everyone can contribute points no matter their level! To be able to access Live Mathletics pupils will need to have all their tasks completed. Pupils then click on the Play tab and scroll down to Live Mathletics. 

Please encourage your child/children to play Live Mathletics every day this week and let's see how well Castle Gardens can do.