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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Mathletics Scores - November

28th Nov 2022

In KS1 the class of the month was P3A. They achieved 75,077 points. Second place went to P4G who gained 52,804 points. In third place was P4H with 25,916 points. Brilliant scores for KS1!

Congratulations to Mr Stewart's P6 class who came first in KS2 with 58,386 points. In second place was P7W with 43,689 points and the third place went to Mrs Turtle's class, P7T, with 28,841 points.

The Class Mathletes from each class were all awarded certificates in assembly. This time we chose the pupils who had achieved the most number of tasks where they had scored above 85% accuracy. Congratulations to all of them.

Also we awarded another Gold certificate. This went to AJ Allen in P6G. This is a great achievement - 20 weeks of achieving more than 1000 points.

Well done to everyone.