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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Mathletics Successes

28th Apr 2024

Further successes in Mathletics were celebrated on Friday at our whole-school assembly. Due to the Easter break the awards were for work completed throughout March and April. Lots of pupils continue to achieve their next level of certificate. Many pupils have now achieved their Platinum certificate and 8 pupils in school have achieved their Emerald. Logan Adair has achieved his Diamond – only the second pupil in the entire school to reach this. And Phoebe Keatings, in P5, has reached her Epic certificates – only one more level to go!

During March and April we continued to focus on the accuracy with which pupils were answering their weekly Mathletics tasks. If pupils achieve more than 85% correct in tasks this equates to Gold Bars being achieved. The most accurate pupils in P3 were Matthew Calvert and Victoria Corken. Matthew achieved the most Gold Bars out of all the pupils in P3–P7 – fantastic! Benjamin Spence and Scarlett Andrews achieved most in P4. The winners in KS2 were Daniel Wilcock, Mason McClements, Charlotte Patterson, Blake Monaghan, Patience Martin and Logan Adair. Well done to them all.

Please keep encouraging your child to achieve 1000 points each week by completing their Mathletics tasks and from playing on Live Mathletics too. This will allow them to reach their next certificate. Your support and co-operation is greatly appreciated.