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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Mathletics @ Castle Gardens

5th Sep 2022

Good afternoon.

This will be our second year of Mathletics at Castle Gardens so we are hoping for another great year. Mathletics is a fun and interactive way for pupils to enjoy their numeracy and be able to build upon what they have learnt in class. Pupils from P3-P7 will use Mathletics.

Please click on the following link to watch the Mathletics Parent Tour:

We wanted to let you know how we operate on a weekly/monthly basis, and how we reward pupils for their successes.

Tasks will be set by the class teacher, plus pupils will be encouraged to explore (try other tasks) and play some Live Mathletics at home.
There are 3 tabs - To Do, Explore & Play.
Pupils should aim to get at least 1000 points each week. For every 1000 points gained they will receive a raffle ticket which they will put into their Class Raffle box. So if they score 2300 points they will receive 2 raffle tickets.
Once a week the class teacher will check the total points and there will be a certificate and prize for the Class Super Mathlete.

At the final assembly of the month, each of the Raffle boxes are taken to assembly where the visiting speaker will select a winner from each box. That winner is the Class Mathlete for that month and a prize will be awarded to each of them.
Also the total Mathletics points for each class will be calculated and that class will find their place onto the Hall of Fame Mathletics board. The winning class will get a special treat from their class teacher.

For each week that 1000 (or more) points is gained, the pupils will receive a Bronze certificate. We only print out the first Bronze one at school.
Every classroom has a Mathletics recording chart where the amount of certificates gained is displayed.
After 5 weeks of Bronze, a pupil will achieve a Silver certificate. This certificate will be printed out and a prize awarded by the class teacher.
After gaining the equivalent of 4 Silver certificates, pupils will be awarded with a Gold Mathletics Certificate. This will be celebrated at Assembly.

Please find attached a Mathletics Parents Guide which contains Top Ten Tips for Parents.

Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any queries regarding Mathletics or get in touch with myself.

Thank you once again for your support,
Mrs Wilson.