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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Matilda Arrangements

19th Mar 2024

This week we have our production of Matilda on Wednesday evening and Thursday evening. 
Below you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that will hopefully cover all you need to know. 

6.00pm: cast members arrive and enter school through Reception. They get changed in the speech classrooms. 

6.15pm: choir members arrive and enter through Reception. They will meet in the Engage room. 

6.30pm:  doors open for members of the audience. Audience members will also enter school via Reception. Please bring your ticket as all seats are numbered and this will speed everyone along. If a member of your party are unable to use stairs, please contact Reception, see the note below regarding our lift and parking pass. 

7.00pm - The show starts. 

After the Show
Parents collecting members of the cast and choir, and who are not at the show, should return to school at 8.50pm - you may have to wait a few minutes depending on run time. The show will finish between 8.45pm and 9pm. 

Parents who have been watching the show should wait outside Reception. All pupils will exit via Reception, choir members will be released before members of the cast who will need to change out of their costumes.

Pupils will not be permitted to leave the school without an adult present to collect them. 

All tickets that have been purchased via Eventbrite have been assigned a number using the time of completed transaction. All seats have been numbered using these transaction numbers. A list of allocated seating is available should you forget your ticket or have been unable to collect it from school. 

If a member of your party requires a wheelchair space, please contact the office during the day to make arrangements. 

Lift Broken Again
Our lift is once again out of order. It has been broken since early January and EA have not been able to fix it despite repeated requests to have it available on the nights of the show. 

If you or a member of your party are unable to use the stairs in school, access to the hall will be via P6 door in the courtyard. Parking will be available in the courtyard, please contact the school office during the day to get a parking pass that will allow you access to the rear of school.  

All staff will park their cars in the rear playground to increase capacity in the school car park. Please remember to park safely, legally and considerately in the school grounds and on surrounding streets. Only cars with a parking pass will be permitted to park in the courtyard. 

An interval will be held midway through the show each night. Morellis ice cream and other refreshments will be available to purchase from the canteen. These items will be cash only purchases. 

Members of the cast and choir should bring a break on Wednesday night, on Thursday they will all be treated to an ice cream! 

Photos and Videos

As always at our school shows and assemblies, members of the audience can take photos and videos of their child for their own personal use. These should not be shared on social media without permission of every parent of every child included in the photo or video.

A large number of photos will be shared on Class Dojo and are on display around school. Due to copyright, photos or a video of the show will not be available for purchase or shared on our socials.