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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

New Plans for Homework

7th Sep 2020

Good afternoon

Just an update regarding homework, hopefully before the children get started this afternoon.

In order to provide as much flexibility as possible to parents we will be doing the following with homework:

We will be posting homework on the school website on the Friday afternoon of the previous week via the link below. The password is CastleGardens

Normally two levels of work will be made available. The option is there for parents to complete one or indeed both of the activities as they see fit.

Pupils will have been shown in class the task that they should be completing.

Homework can be completed at a convenient time for you and your child during the week or indeed at the weekend if you really wanted.
Some children have sports or musical commitments on certain nights whilst some parents have working pressures that make completion of homework more of a challenge on certain days of the week.

Answers will be provided for all activities so as a parent you can check tasks for accuracy.

You do not need to upload homework to Class Dojo every day.
Feel free to upload a task or a group of tasks as often as you feel appropriate. This could be daily, once weekly or once fortnightly.

Uploaded tasks should be completed by the child and marked by the parent.
It is very difficult to actually mark the photos that are uploaded. Staff will provide feedback via a comment if required.

We will be using Education City for tasks on a Thursday evening.
This will allow additional focus on revision of spellings and number facts for Friday tests on a Thursday evening.

An online reading option will be introduced later this week, however next week may be more realistic time for this to be in use. Details will follow later this week.

Hopefully you will find this new method of working more convenient, as always please get in touch if you have any questions.

Feel free to message your class teacher on Dojo if you are unsure which activity to complete or have forgotten login details for Education City.

Take care
Mr Gray