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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Nomination of person(s) to serve as Parent Governor(s) on the Board of Governors for the Term of Office 2024 - 2028

29th Aug 2024

Dear Parent(s)[1]

You are invited to participate in the election of parent governor(s) to the Board of Governors of Castle Gardens Primary School. A ballot will be held, if required, to elect the parent governor(s).   

The Board of Governors is the body responsible for various aspects of the management of the school. To help you participate in this process you may find it helpful to refer to the School Governance tab on the EA website which provides information on the roles and responsibilities of school governors.  A further useful source of information is the booklet, ‘Becoming a School Governor’ which can also be accessed via the EA website at

The following points should be noted: 

  1. Both parents of each pupil registered at the school are entitled to vote in the election; 
  2. Each parent is entitled to one vote only in respect of each parent governor vacancy;
  3. The Board of Governors has appointed Mr Gray to act as clerk of the election and chair of any meetings held during this process. A report of the proceedings will be forwarded to the appropriate EA office; 
  4. Should you wish to self-nominate or to nominate a person(s) to stand for election as parent governor(s), please use the Candidate Nomination Form that is available to collect from the school office or download from the school website. Please return the completed nomination form to the school office not later than 12pm on Monday 9th September.  
  5. Please ensure you have the agreement of the candidate that they wish to stand for election (along with their Personal Statement) and a seconder for the nomination. 

Please note, in accordance with the Scheme for the Management of Controlled Schools: 

a person, other than the principal or a teacher elected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 4 to the 1986 Order, who is employed for gain solely in the school for the purposes of the school or, for the purposes of non-school activities shall not be a member of the Board of Governors of the school. 

The election will be carried out by way of a ballot conducted using an online form* to conduct an electronic ballot of all registered parents with information to be circulated on Tuesday 10th September and to be completed by noon on Friday 13th September.

* Alternative provision can be made for you to cast your vote if you are unable or unwilling to take part using digital means. Please contact the school office if you wish to avail of an alternative method of voting.

I would encourage all parents to play an active part in school life and hope you will be able to participate in this important event.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Gray

Clerk of the Election

Castle Gardens Primary School


[1] In law the term parent includes a guardian and every person who has the actual custody of the pupil.