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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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P3 to P7 Christmas Assembly - Second Show Added

6th Dec 2019

Next Friday the children in P3 to P7 will be taking part in their Christmas Assembly, and as always, family members are welcome to attend.

With our growing school population, we are anticipating an increased demand for seats in the audience. With only approximately 230 seats available we have looked at how we can accommodate the requests for extended family members to be in attendance.

We have two options - limit seats to one per child or put on a second assembly. We will therefore be putting on a second assembly that afternoon but, to ensure we don't exceed capacity, there will need to be a minimal charge of £1 per ticket to allow us to manage numbers though SchoolMoney.

Tickets will be on sale on Monday morning (9th December) at 10am via SchoolMoney and offered on a first come, first served basis.

The times are as follow:

9.30am until approx. 10.30am. Parents can wait in the canteen from 8.45am until 9.15am when doors will be opened to the hall. Christmas decorations that have been made by the children as well as raffle tickets will be on sale by the PTA in the canteen.

The second assembly will start at 1.30pm and run until approx. 2.30pm. Parents can wait in the canteen from 1pm (or as soon as the dinners are cleared up!) and doors will open at 1.15pm.

Parents attending the afternoon session will be permitted to collect their children a bit earlier that afternoon however this will be communicated directly from class teachers next week. All children will return to their classrooms following the assembly and will not be permitted to leave before returning to their class to collect their belongings.

P3 parents are encouraged to attend the morning session given finish times in the afternoon. Please make Miss Martin or Miss Lowry aware if you are attending the afternoon session as supervision for your child will be required until the end of the assembly. P3 pupils will only be in the hall for a short period of time near the start of the assembly.

Pupils in Miss Davidson's speech class are also encouraged to attend the morning show. Transport will be available as normal however alternative arrangements for supervision will need to be made if you are attending in the afternoon.

I trust that this additional assembly will address the increased demand and would encourage you all to check your login details for SchoolMoney this afternoon or over the weekend to avoid disappointment next week.

The children and staff have been working incredibly hard preparing for this assembly and I look forward to seeing you next Friday to enjoy the performances.