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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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P6 Children celebrate Viking Day

9th Feb 2024

Primary 6 pupils have been busy celebrating Viking Day as they near the half way point of their Viking topic. Following on from our recent visit to the North Down Museum, boys and girls took part in traditional Viking themed activities during the morning, the girls busy baking bread while the boys were helping out on the 'farm' with manual labour. Both boys and girls then enjoyed a spear throwing contest to test their accuracy and mimic the difficulty of hunting. The contest went right to the wire with Charlotte P and Caleb both in pursuit of the final target.

After our morning break, Children conducted a STEM activity to help reinforce learning about soil conditions in Scandinavia around the Viking era. Seeds were planted in three different types of soil- sandy soil, acidic soil and a neutral soil. Children will now monitor the seeds in the coming weeks to see how they grow.

Our final activity of the day saw children embark on a series of Viking 'raids' from classroom to classroom. As would have been custom at the time, ‘slaves’ were taken as part of the raids and sold at a slave auction. As part of their learning, children have had the opportunity to consider how life has changed over the past one thousand years and how particular practices are no longer acceptable in modern life.

 It's always great to receive feedback from our children about their learning experiences and today's event proved extremely popular with many children telling us it was the most enjoyable day they’ve ever had in school. While all the activities were fun, they equally have been very helpful alongside out class novel in reinforcing the learning on our topic. Well done, Primary Six pupils!