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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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P7 Leavers Assembly

20th Jun 2024
Good afternoon.
Tomorrow our P7 pupils graduate from primary school and celebrate their time in Castle Gardens at their Leavers Assembly at 1.30pm.
To facilitate this special event there are a number of timings that have been changed.
Given the congestion, especially in the small car park, please note the adjusted earlier finish times for P1, P2 and Speech pupils.
Dinners will be served at the following times: 
P1, P2 & Speech @ 11.30am
P3 & P4 @ 11.50am
P5 & P6 @ 12.10pm
P1, P2 & Speech pupils will finish school @ midday.
P3 to P6 classes will finish @ 12.30pm
I have added 15 minutes to this finish time to allow for parking spaces to be vacated by P1 and P2 parents and pre-school parents.
Staff will park cars in the rear playground from 11am to increase capacity in the main car parks for parents.
I make no apology for this altered finish time as in recent times several cars have been marked due to parking in the small car park in particular. Action is required before someone is injured.
Can I ask that anyone parking onsite or on neighbouring streets or roads does so legally, considerately and safely.