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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

P7 visit to 'Bee Safe'

20th Feb 2023

Today P7 visited Ards Arena for the 'Bee Safe' Event. ‘Bee Safe’ is an interactive learning experience to inform our young people how to stay safe and make the right decisions. Topics covered included Internet safety (PSNI), Fire safety (NIFRS), Mental Health & Wellbeing (EA), Translink, Anti-Social Behaviour (Ards & North Down Borough Council) and Home Safety (ANDBC). 'Bee Safe' is an important learning experience for the wellbeing of the young people in our borough and the timing is perfect as the children prepare to make their transition from primary to secondary education. The learning sessions raised awareness on a range of important issues to help keep the pupils, their friends and their family safe. Here are some photos from our visit today.