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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Parent Interview Week

11th Oct 2024

Parent interviews will take place the week before half-term, from Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October. Appointments are now available to book and will close on Thursday evening, 17th October, to allow the final timetable to be communicated on Friday.

All pupils will have a staggered finish around 1pm after they have had their lunch. There will be no after-school clubs that week but breakfast club will operate as usual.

Bookings are now being taken via this link which will close next Thursday evening.

A huge word of thanks to Mr Gibson for migrating us onto the 365 Bookings platform. This seems to be working really well so far.

  • Please remember to only book an appointment with your child's class teacher, bookings made with other teachers will be cancelled.
  • Speech classes do not need to book as times are being communicated to parents to allow for the availability of the Speech Therapy team.