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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Parking In and Around School

29th Apr 2024

Parking – April 2024

Good afternoon

On Friday afternoon you may have noticed that the PSNI attended at home time, visiting in response to concerns relating to parking in the school grounds and on neighbouring streets. In recent times I have also received correspondence from all levels of elected representatives raising concerns on behalf of residents regarding obstructions and parking violations.

Pick-up time is always a busy time around primary schools and we go to great lengths to help ease the issue for our school community and local community. We are the only primary school in the area that allow parents to enter the grounds in their vehicles; we facilitate parking daily on our school site, increasing capacity for events such as the Christmas Assemblies and Sports Day; we regularly participate in Sustrans Active Travel challenges encouraging walking, scooting or cycling to school. Every week we address the issues in our Friday newsletter and Mr Gregory and I are outside every day to ensure our school site is used safely and legally.

When concerns are brought by parents or residents it is frustrating as it means members of the school community are ignoring our road safety messages and efforts. When concerns are raised, for example by a resident who had their driveway blocked on Friday afternoon, they are encouraged to report violations to the PSNI by calling 101 or 101 online. Parents who have concerns regarding road safety or parking violations are also encouraged to report these.

The following offences were observed on Friday afternoon outside the school gates and carry the following sanctions:

  • Drivers parking at the corner at Gregstown Park or at Abbot Drive are committing the offence “Parking within 15 metres of a junction” which incurs a £30 Fixed Penalty Notice.
  • Drivers that park fully up on the pavement opposite school are committing the offence “Obstructing of a road” (a pavement is an extension of a road). This incurs a £30 Fixed Penalty Notice as pedestrians, motability scooters and prams or buggies must go onto the road if they cannot get past the vehicle on the pavement.
  • Drivers who park on the zigzag at the crossing are committing the offence “Parking on a pedestrian crossing” which is enforceable with a £65 fine and 3 penalty points.

Further unannounced visits will be carried out by the PSNI and there will be Fixed Penalty Notices issued to drivers committing any of those offences. The PSNI have instructed me to communicate this to the school community which I am doing today online and via a letter you will find in school bags.

To help everyone, below are instructions for parking in the school grounds and on neighbouring roads.

Within the School Grounds

  • You may drop off in the mornings at the roundabout or park in the car park.
  • Cars should not be left unattended to drop a child to their door. If you are dropping off to the door, park in a marked space in the car park.
  • At collection time, the roundabout is coned off to allow space for the following vehicles:
    • EA transport collecting pupils from our speech class
    • Taxis
    • after-school providers
    • larger vehicles e.g. vans or small trucks
    • vehicles with blue badges that are unable to park in one of the four designated spaces
  • Cars should only be left unattended if they are parked within a marked space in the car park.
  • If you are running late, pupils will remain with a member of staff and brought to Reception for collection.

On Neighbouring Roads

  • Do not park on zigzag lines - £65 Fixed Penalty Notice and 3 penalty points.
  • Do not park on junctions - £30 Fixed Penalty Notice.
  • Do not block pavements - £30 Fixed Penalty Notice.
  • Do not park across driveways.

Thank-you in advance for your co-operation, please ensure that anybody collecting or dropping off are aware of this information.

Mr J Gray