Access Keys:

Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Plans This Week

6th Dec 2022

We have a very busy week this week, please find below arrangements that will hopefully cover everything you need to know. 

Tomorrow - Friday

  • P3 & P4 Christmas Assembly @ 9.30am. Additional tickets are now available to book using this link. 
  • Please do not attend if you haven't booked tickets
  • If required, we will be checking tickets at the door so please have your booking email available so the QR code can be scanned. Hopefully this won't be required but best to be prepared. 
  • Parents can wait in the canteen from 8.45am once breakfast club finishes. Tea & coffee will be available. 
  • Doors will open at approx. 9.10am. Parents will make their way to the hall via the stairs at the canteen. The lift is available for any person unable to use the stairs. 
  • Staff cars will be parked in the rear playground on  Friday to increase capacity for parents attending.
  • All pupils will enter through reception on Friday morning but will exit through usual doors at the end of the day.
  • P5 to P7 pupils are leaving for the pantomime at approx 9.45am