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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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PTA Christmas Fair

24th Nov 2017

Our annual Christmas Fair is fast approaching (this Thursday night from 6pm) and we are asking for donations for some of our stalls.

Book and Toy Stall

This year we have introduced a BOOK and TOY stall. This is the time of year we start to look at the rooms at home in preparation for Christmas and perhaps there are toys that are no longer played with and both adult and children’s books that are collecting dust. We would greatly appreciate any donations! These can be left into school at any time next week prior to the Fair.

Home Bake Stall

In recent years, the PTA had a successful Christmas Cupcake stall generating over £250 each year for school. Unfortunately, this is not one of our stalls this year. Instead we are planning to have a ‘HOME BAKED’ stall. We are asking you to make or even purchase and donate tray bakes, cakes, mince pies, shortbread etc. but please bear in mind that we are a nut free school.

If you are able to provide for the Home Bake stall we would be grateful if you would complete the slip below and return to your child’s teacher by Tuesday 28th November. Please include what and how many you will be able to provide.

This will allow us to organise the stall for Thursday night. It is important when selling home baked goods that we have visibility of all ingredients so we would be grateful if you could list these and attach to your donations.

Christmas Baubles

Next Thursday evening, the Lord Mayor of Ards and North Down Borough Council will be turning on our Christmas Tree lights just after 6pm. This year we are welcoming pupils to bring in a bauble to decorate the tree outside the canteen. Pupils can decorate a bauble or simply bring one in from home. Unfortunately, we will not be able to return baubles and some may get damaged due to being outdoors so please don’t send anything too precious. Baubles can be brought to school right up until Thursday when classes will be decorating the tree.


As in recent years, children have been provided with an envelope to decorate and fill with contents to the value of £1. These will be used at one the mystery stall next Thursday evening.

We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night at 6pm and a list of events and stalls will be sent home next week and posted on the school’s social media pages.

Once again can we thank you in advance for your generous donations and ongoing support at PTA events.

Members of the PTA

NAME _________________________    Pupil Name _________________________ Class ___________

I will donate/bake   ______________________________________________ for the Home Baked Stall at the Christmas Fair on Thursday 30th November