Access Keys:

Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Pupil Attendance

19th Aug 2020

Please complete a form using this link for any pupils that will not be returning to school next week. 

Guidance taken from:

 Northern Ireland Re-opening School Guidance - New School Day - Revised (Issued 13/8/20)

Circular 2020/08 - Attendance guidance and absence recording by schools (Issued 14/8/20)

1. Pupils Who Are Clinically Vulnerable

  • Pupils who are clinically vulnerable are those with pre-existing conditions who have been advised to stringently follow the social distancing guidelines and should learn from home where possible.
  • A small minority of pupils will fall into this category. Guidance on categories can be found here
  • Medical evidence will need to be provided from GP or consultant in a letter
  • If evidence is not provided an unauthorised absence will be recorded

2. Pupils Who Live with Someone Who is Clinically Vulnerable

  • Pupils who live with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable), including those who are pregnant, can attend their education or childcare setting.
  • Clarification should be sought and if the child is not going to attend medical evidence will need to be provided by the consultant or GP of the clinically vulnerable person.
  • If evidence is not provided an unauthorised absence will be recorded

3. Pupils Who Were Shielding (clinically extremely vulnerable people)

  • Restrictions eased over time and as of 1 August 2020 ‘shielding’ has been paused.
  • Pupils should follow the guidance of their consultant or General Practitioner (GP) if in doubt
  • An individual risk assessment will need to be completed for the pupil before they can return.
  • medical evidence will need to be provided by the consultant or GP of the clinically extremely vulnerable person.
  • Remote learning will be provided for pupils who were previously shielding.
  • The most up-to-date guidance and list of underlying health conditions that necessitate shielding should be checked on the NI Direct website under the shielding section and can be accessed by the following link

4. Pupils Who Are Living with Someone Who Was Shielding

  • Pupils who have household members who were considered clinically extremely vulnerable (at high risk of severe illness and requiring 'shielding').
  • These restrictions eased over time and from 1 August 2020 ‘shielding’ has been paused.
  • Such children should have an individual risk assessment conducted before the most appropriate place of care is determined.

5. Pupil refusing to return to school due to fears over Covid-19 or parent refusing to send pupil to school due to fears over Covid-19.

  • If pupil is required to attend school either physically or remotely and pupil does not attend and does not complete work / assignment as required, an unauthorised absence will be recorded.
  • If pupil is required to attend physically and pupil does not attend but is able to evidence learning from home as required by school, the school may record absence as authorised