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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Registration for care for vulnerable children and children of key workers.

5th Jan 2021

Good evening.
The Minister of Education has tonight confirmed that primary schools in Northern Ireland will remain closed until at least half-term in February. Schools will be required to provide care for vulnerable children and children of key workers during this period of closure.

Registration for care for children of key workers and vulnerable children will need to be made by clicking here. A registration form will need to be completed every week as demand will change and this will impact upon the level of staffing required. If registration is not completed we will be unable to guarantee care will be provided for your child.

Registration for next week, w/c Monday 11th January is now open. Registration will close on Thursday 7th January @ 8pm.

Today has been a traumatic day for us all not least the P7 pupils who were due to take their first AQE paper in four days time. Further updates will be provided tomorrow.