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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Summer Fair - TONIGHT - Thursday 6th June

31st May 2024

This evening the School Fair starts at 6pm and finishes at 8pm. Entry is free and via the hill to the right of the school building.

We have a wide range of activities planned for this evening, hopefully all will be held outdoors. Should the weather change the Fair will continue indoors. This year the following activities are taking place:

  • VR Gaming experience - held in the Speech classrooms - sign up sheet available in Reception and at the door, £5 for 10 mins
  • Magic Show - held in the P5 classroom at 6.30pm and 7.15pm - £2 per person, pre-school pupils free.
  • Face Painting - in the courtyard
  • Toy Sale - stairwell at P4 doors
  • Tuck Shop - stairwell at large hall
  • Craft stalls in the halls
  • Prize raffle in the halls
  • Games including archery and penalty shoot held in the playgrounds
  • Bouncy Castles on the grass used for Sports Day
  • PSNI will be here with some of their vehicles

Burgers and Hotdogs are available from the canteen from 6pm to 7.45pm along with teas and coffees.
The canteen can only be accessed via the external door at the front of school (unless it is raining and everything is moved inside).
An ice-cream van will be in the back playground and of course the Tuck Shop will have plenty of sweets and treats.

There will be limited parking on the school grounds, I would encourage families to walk to the School Fair if possible. If you are driving, please park legally, considerately and safely within the grounds or on surrounding streets. The roundabout will be coned off to allow space for emergency vehicles or additional Blue Badge parking. Any vehicles parked in one of the four Blue Badge spaces within the grounds, or at the roundabout, must have their Blue Badge on display.
Parking tickets were issued yesterday by the PSNI - please remember, as detailed in our weekly newsletters, it is illegal to park on zigzags outside a school and carries a fine and penalty points for doing so.

This afternoon the School Council have presented me with a petition asking that Friday Tests are cancelled because of the Fair. Who am I to deny the pupil voice so Friday Tests are cancelled tomorrow!

Have a great night, keep the fingers crossed that the rain stays away and I look forward to seeing you this evening from 6pm.

Mr Gray