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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Trip to Millisle Beach

20th May 2024
The boys and girls had a fantastic morning. As we went with P2 mainstream, there were around 75 children at Millisle beach and we all had a very enjoyable time. We did get soaked as we jumped the waves, and some of us went into the sea in our full uniform! We did all get changed though before moving onto play in the sand, and make sandcastles.
We then moved over to the secure grassy area where we had our lunch at the picnic tables.
We then visited the play-park before finally moving to the pirate ship where a few screams of 'abandon ship!' and 'ahoy there!' could be heard.
The children's behaviour was excellent and it was a pleasure for the adults to accompany them - even though we have brought half the sand from Millisle back home with us!