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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Updated re Colds and Coughs

6th Sep 2020

Good afternoon everybody.

There are a lot of messages coming through today re colds today so I’m just sending a message just to refresh things for us all.

Unless there are symptoms of Covid - cough, temperature or loss of taste/smell - you don’t need to take test, self-isolate etc.

Vomiting and gastric issues are not included in DE guidance received on Friday afternoon. As would normally be the case, please allow 48 hours since last episode before sending your child to school. You can see the correspondence in attached photos.

If just a cold, pupils are ok to attend but please be mindful that it will of course spread to others.
Please ensure your child has additional tissues etc and if short term medication is required a form must be completed via the school app.

If you think you or a member of your household have symptoms please check for
It goes without saying but if you or a member of your household have symptoms, your child should not be attending school until advised by the PHA that it is ok to do so.

I’m sure can appreciate the difficulties we are facing currently. With limited support from the Department of Education and Education Authority it is even more important that we all work together to keep our school community safe.

Hope that helps clarify things, take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.