Access Keys:

Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Walking Bus on Tuesday 2nd October

27th Sep 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

As part of our school’s involvement with the Sustrans Active School Travel programme, we have organised a Walking Bus on Tuesday 2nd October.

A Walking Bus happens when a group of children and parents/carers walk together from a designated meeting point to the school, “picking up” other children along the way. We invite all KS2 pupils to join us as we walk together to school. Children in KS1 are also welcome to join the walking bus but must be accompanied by an adult.

Meeting Point: Turning Circle in Londonderry Park at 8:05 am.

The route will be: Londonderry Park to Castle Gardens PS via Lenamore Park and Upper Greenwell Street. The distance is approximately 1 mile and the walk is expected to take 30 minutes at an easy pace. A special breakfast will be provided for all individuals taking part and hot drinks will be available for parents.

If you and your child plan to attend the Walking Bus, please complete the permission slip below, and return to your child’s teacher no later than Friday 28th September.

If you have any questions about the session, please contact the school.

Yours sincerely

Mr Adair