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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Week beginning 13.09.21

10th Sep 2021

Afternoon everyone:

Here is an overview of next weeks homework

Children should read 20 minutes a night of their ar book every night.  When the book is completed they should take a quiz and ask for another book.  We have suggested to the children to log onto mathletics throughout the week if they can and complete tasks on a daily basis as well as completing tasks on a Thursday.  

Spelling work book Unit 2 page 6/7

Mental maths book should revision of book 3 for AQE and page 9 for non AQE.

Mon:  AQE revision booklet 10 pages 4, 26 and 27

          Non AQE literacy booklet 

Tue:  AQE revision booklet 10 pages 5,8 and 9

        Non AQE numeracy booklet

Wed:  AQE revision booklet 10 pages 6,31 and 32

         Non AQE literacy booklet

Thur:  AQE revision booklet 10 pages 10, 11 and 12

          Mathletics for all

          Revise first 10 spellings of Unit 2 and revise mental maths page 3 AQE and page 9 non AQE