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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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P7 Maths Homework Help

Primary 7

Below you will find videos modelling the abstract, formal calculations methods used in Primary 7. Each video links directly to the pdf document (Primary 7 Calculation Strategies) that can be found below. The pdf document details:

  • Concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches towards achieving each area of learning.

We hope the combination of videos and the written methods may prove useful in helping families support their child's learning at home.

Primary 7 01 Column addition with whole numbers with up to 7 digits
Primary 7 02 Selecting mental methods for larger numbers where appropriate
Primary 7 03 Understanding order of operations in calculations
Primary 7 04 Column subtraction with whole numbers with up to 7 digits
Primary 7 05 Subtracting mentally with larger numbers
P7 06 Multiply up to 4 digit numbers by a 2 digit number
Primary 7 07 Using knowledge of factors and partitions to compare multiplications
Primary 7 08 Multiplying by 10 100 and 1000
Primary 7 09 Multiplying decimals using knowledge of place value
Primary 7 10 Understanding Factors and Prime Numbers
Primary 7 11 Dividing by a single digit number
Primary 7 12 Dividing by a 2 digit number using factors
Primary 7 13 Dividing by a 2 digit number using long division
Primary 7 14 Dividing by 10 100 and 1000
Primary 7 15 Dividing decimals with up to 2 decimal places using short division