School Meals
School dinners should, whenever possible, be paid for on Monday mornings for the full week or the number required for that particular week. The present cost is £2.60 per day and £13.00 per week. Please ensure you send the exact money for the required number of dinners with each individual child. Teachers cannot accept money for older/younger siblings
BREAKFAST CLUB There is a Breakfast Club available in the Canteen from 8.00am to 8.45am each day costing £1 per pupil per day. Pupils can purchase a selection of cereals, breads and fruit to eat.
BREAK TIME SNACK A break will be available to all children to purchase from the school kitchen – juice, milk, fruit, toast and pancakes – with prices starting at 40p. There will be no other snack break available in school. If you are giving your child a snack break we would encourage you to send one healthy item to eat and one to drink. No fizzy or sugary drinks, are permitted.
Castle Gardens is a NUT FREE ZONE. Any breaks containing nuts will be removed from the child with an alternative from the school kitchen being offered with money to be paid the following day. Mondays to Thursdays are the days when we highlight Healthy Eating and we would appreciate a healthy break being sent in with the children.
Dinner Menu
Building Together for the Future

Castle Gardens Primary School, 69 Bowtown Rd, Newtownards BT23 8SH
Phone: 028 9181 3827