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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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What is School's Out NI?


School's Out is an independent, private after school childcare that is currently based in a classroom at Castle Gardens P.S. We are registered with social services, so parents can rest assured that we meet and often exceed the required minimum standards.

At School's Out we offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere where your children can relax after a long day at school. School's Out is a Playwork based setting which means we believe that play is extremely important to children's learning and development. We promote child-centred, free-play and encourage children to use their imaginations when in School's Out. Children are given the freedom of choice in any activity they choose to do, which empowers them to make their own decisions resulting in increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

Advantages to school based childcare facility:

  • Children come straight to the room, no travelling in the car for pick-ups at other schools!
  • Convenient location for parents
  • Friendly and relaxed atmosphere where children choose what they want to do each day
  • Flexible with bookings - last minute and casual bookings welcome but subject to availability.

We have many toys and games for all ages, a wide range of craft materials and spend a LOT of time outdoors, mostly on the big Jungle Gym or making all sorts of delights in our mud kitchen!!


What we offer!

After School Club

 2pm - 6pm      £20

3pm - 6pm      £16

Waiting Club

2pm - 3pm      £5


We will be open from 12noon for P1's until they start to stay in school until 2pm. Please enquire for further information.

Sibling discount offered.

Contact Susannah for more information or to book a place!

Tel: 07710953959


Facebook: School's Out NI


Holiday Schemes will run during the following times:

Halloween Half Term - Open full week

February Half Term - Open full week

Easter Holidays - Open for the first week of Easter Holidays, closed Easter week.

School's Out will be open for 5 weeks of the summer holidays. 

School's Out will close over the Christmas Holidays.

Holiday Schemes are based in Castle Gardens PS

School's Out opens full days on ALL exceptional closures (Based in Castle Gardens). Closed ALL Bank Holidays.

Full Day opening times are 8.30am-5.30pm

Full Day £34        Half Day £24

News & Photos

31st Aug 2019
School's Out is an independent, private after school childcare that is currently...
21st Mar 2019
Click here to find out more information
8th Feb 2019
A new dinner menu (even though there are no changes) has been sent home. Click...

Frequently Asked Questions.....

Do I have to book my child in the same days each week?

We do not require you to book the same days each week. We like to offer flexibility to parents who may work different days each week e.g. shift workers. However, we do ask that you give as much notice as possible to book these days in, ideally booking a full month at the beginning of each month. We will try to accommodate you and your child/children as best we can.

I am stuck for childcare at short notice, can my child come to School's Out as a one off booking?

We welcome one off and casual bookings providing we have space for your child that particular day. Just text, FB mail or email to ask if we have space (even if it's the night before) and we will try to accommodate you as best as possible.  

Can children do their homework at School's Out?

Yes it is at parents discretion  whether children complete their homework at School's Out or not. We allocate 30minutes of homework time where children sit around a table with a member of staff to help if necessary. The other children are asked to play quiet games and activities e.g. Lego, colouring in, puzzles and cars during this 30 minutes to give children completing their homework some peace and quiet. Children will just complete as much as they can in 30minutes and then they will stop and have to complete the rest at home.   

Are you open during School Holidays and Exceptional Closures?

Yes. We do a number of Holiday Schemes throughout the year! These are held at Ballyblack Presbyterian Church Hall, which is close by to Castle Gardens P.S as we are unable to use the school grounds over the summer holidays. Take a look at the information about Holidays above to find out more! We are also open ALL exceptional closures and these are based back in the After School Room in Castle Gardens. We are CLOSED on Bank Holidays.