Eco Team

The aim of the Eco-Schools programme is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of school life.
With the help of the rest of the school, the Eco Committee are working through a seven-step process to implement behavioural change and study a range of topics to help us achieve the 'Green Flag Award'.
To be voted to become a member of Eco Committee, the children nominated themselves, prepared an application and competed against their peers.
The Eco Committee are responsible for:
- Collecting suggestions from and reporting back to their peers;
- Helping to develop an Eco-Schools notice board to inform the rest of the school;
- Discussing environmental issues relating to school life;
- Encouraging their peers to take part in various projects to help us achieve the Green Flag Award.
Castle Gardens Eco Committee is made up of pupils from P4-P7, parents and staff, meeting monthly to make our school even more Eco-friendly. Our topics this year include Waste, Energy and Transport.
Call in to this page to keep up to date with all our Eco-plans!
Green Flag Award 2025

We are currently working towards our Green Flag Award to continue making Castle Gardens an Eco Schools accredited Green Flag school. We are focused on three main areas: Outdoor Learning, Waste and Litter. The whole school is doing lots of great work in the day-to-day which all counts towards achieving our Green Flag status.
Our Eco Team want to promote the use of our amazing outdoor facilities. We have the wonderful outdoor learning garden, outdoor classroom, Forest School area and so many more spaces for fun and learning. There are workshops, outdoor lessons planned by teaching staff, the Buddy Programme, new equipment and sports pitches painted onto the playground, the weekly mile, House Competitions, all going on to support the use of outdoor learning.
We are also looking at the topics of Waste and Litter. The Eco team are making a big push in reducing waste and promoting recycling. They took part in presentations around the different classes in pairs to share about each bin, giving examples of different types of rubbish that can be put into them and shared common errors. They also gave out posters to display as reminders.
We are taking part in the 'Litter Less Campaign' as we weigh the blue bins to see if there is a reduction of paper waste. We hope to complete some litter picks as the weather picks up.
Meet the Team!

Castle Gardens Primary School, 69 Bowtown Rd, Newtownards BT23 8SH
Phone: 028 9181 3827