School Uniform
We encourage all our pupils to wear school uniform and we very much appreciate the parental support in this area. Uniform gives pupils a sense of pride and belonging, as well as looking smart in their personal appearance.
School Uniform may be purchased from the following providers. Signature Schools provides 10% of all uniform sales to the school, a move that will be of great benefit to us.
Signature Schools, Unit 16, 8 Balloo Drive, Bangor, BT19 7QY and Online by clicking here
Signature Schools Shop will be open:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 9pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Uniform can also be purchased from suppliers in the town:
School Days Ltd, 2 High Street, Newtownards, BTY23 4JL Tel: 028 9182 7717
David Crawford, 21 Frances Street, Newtownards BT23 7DW Tel: 07801 343505
Uniform Lists
Burgundy School Sweatshirt with logo
Blue Polo Shirt with logo
Grey skirt
White/Grey knee socks or Grey tights
Black School Shoes
Blue checked-cotton dress
White knee length or ankle socks
Choir Uniform
(can be worn daily in P3 to P7 classes)
Blue shirt or blouse
Burgundy cardigan
PE Kits
Sky blue t-shirt
Black shorts
Black jogging bottoms (Foundation classes)
Black slip-on Gym Shoes
Burgundy School Sweatshirt with logo
Blue Polo Shirt with logo
Grey trousers
Grey Socks
Black School Shoes
Grey Shorts
Choir Uniform
(can be worn daily in P3 to P7 classes)
Blue shirt or blouse
Burgundy v-neck jumper
PE Kits
Sky blue t-shirt
Black shorts
Black jogging bottoms (Foundation classes)
Black slip-on Gym Shoes
PE Uniform
Physical Education
Black slip on gym shoes. Black jogging bottoms can be worn on PE days.
P2 and P3
Black slip on gym shoes and PE kit if required. Black jogging bottoms can be worn on PE days.
P4 to P7
We would encourage pupils to wear a sky blue t-shirt and black shorts for PE lessons however it is more important that that a pupil participates than wears a specific colour of clothes so alternative colour tee-shirts and shorts/track bottoms will be permitted. Football kits should be avoided as this leads to arguments!
P 4-7 pupils will take part in swimming lessons for a term each school year.
All items of clothing including shoes, should be clearly marked with child’s name.
Building Together for the Future

Castle Gardens Primary School, 69 Bowtown Rd, Newtownards BT23 8SH
Phone: 028 9181 3827